
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pride and Prejudice

I am slightly ashamed to admit this, but I only recently read Pride and Prejudice. Its not that I was opposed to reading it, I just never got around to picking it up. I have friends that are positively obsessed with Ms. Austen's work and now that I have finally finished P&P I completely understand. To be fair, I did try to read P&P a few times in the past, but as Meg Ryan's character so accurately says in You've Got Mail, "I get lost in the languagewords like thither, mischance, felicity..." One of my favorite movies, by the way. Fig recommended that I start out with training wheels first. So, on his suggestion I read Sorcery and Cecelia before trying Austen again. He was right, once I got used to the language and style it was so easy to pick up P&P. I still get lost in the sometimes run-on sentences, but I love her work all the same. 
Now that I have a deep love for Ms. Austen's work, especially Pride and Prejudice with the wonderful Mr. Darcy, here is small a collection of fun Austen finds from Etsy:

I just purchased this one for myself, but you can purchase a similar one here from CleverApple. Just lovely! (Photo Credit)

I own this mug, which I purchased here from Brookish. (Photo Credit)

I don't have one of these yet, but I've been thinking it might be wonderful to have one for the crisp fall weather. (Photo Credit)

This beautiful and well-crafted towel hangs in my kitchen. Brookish is a great place to find beautiful, lovingly made Jane Austen goods. (Photo Credit)

One can only hope... If I had known about this card I think I might have sent it to a dear friend who went through a terrible time in the way of love a few years ago. However, I do believe she has found her Mr. Darcy now. (Photo Credit)

Nan Lawson's work is amazing, of course, and this print is no exception. Love, love it. (Photo Credit)


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  2. good for you. me i havent read that book yet, although ive been meaning to read it haha.

    your blog is nice =)
    followed you now.

    i got your blog from Mary Rebecca

  3. Thank you both for checking out my blog! :)
